I have been watching a mother robin building a nest, well really just kind of digging a space in the flower pot on our front porch. The pot is atop a tall wire stand and is positioned back in a corner of the porch.
As I would pass the pot on my way out the front door for a morning walk, I would be met by the mother robin quickly flying in front of me to take my attention elsewhere. The first day I saw two beautiful blue eggs. The next time there were three eggs and finally there were four beautiful blue eggs in the center of the flower pot nest. It was fun to observe this wonderful story of nature and the promise of new life.
Then, one morning, the pot was tipped over, the dirt had exploded all over the porch and the eggs were gone! My husband just looked and remarked, “Racoon… they find any source of food… I guess that’s part of life.”
This very matter-of-fact statement was comforting in some way, but I grieved for the little ones and I grieved for the mother who keeps coming to the porch, and looking at the overturned pot. “Where are my little ones,” she seems to say in bewilderment…
As mothers we feel so responsible, for everything, for loving, for caring, for protecting, and even for sustenance, as with this mother racoon who likely took the eggs to her young.
As we reflect on our mothers, our daughters and those in memory and beyond our present moments, we feel happiness for life, love for those we’ve lost and deep belief that all experience contributes to our growth in Spirit.
Spring signals a time of renewal and growth and inspires a reference for life. As mothers we want only the best for our children and that means being there to support and guide no matter what the circumstance. Just as Spirit is always there guiding, supporting, caring and protecting us. As well as, providing sustenance and strength for the journey.
Happy Mother’s Day!